Wednesday, February 13, 2008

even if you don't have a million dollars, let people know that you're a Big Shot!

In class number four of Food and Culture in Louisiana, we tasted six flavors of Big Shot soda.

two red, one yellow, one clear, one orange, and one dark red

red (or rade) #1 - strawberry: basic artificial strawberry taste
orange (or ernge): tasted like melted otter pop
clear - cream soda: very vanilla, pretty good
yellow - pineapple: tasted like St. Joseph's children's aspirin
red #2 - fruit punch: disgusting, too sweet
dark red - black cherry: decent

Why are Big Shot machines found only in the hood?

inside Gator's at the corner of Oretha Castle Haley Blvd and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd


Chris said...

Yea, why is Big Shot only found in the hood?

Ryan O'Vineyards said...

I cannot get enough dark cherry Big Shot. In Tampa, there's Jarritos. And in France, there's wine from my back yard. But I still remember those Dark Cherry, hardly-carbonated nights.